Coding Information

The products we supply are exclusively Philips genuine and up to date codes.

When you use our “Choose the right product code” link, you supply, to Philips – PAL guide website, your vehicle information and you get as a result the suitable 2-digit Technical number (ECE) (ex. H1), the 5-digit Philips type number (ex. 12258) as well as Philips’ product range (ex. BlueVision ultra). Thus, the type code is H1 12258BVU. Whenever you observe letters and digits after the type code (ex. H1 12258BVUSM), the last letters refer to the packaging information. For our example we can have two types which are H1 12258BVUSM and H1 12258BVUB1 and they are interpreted as follows:

B1: Packaging with one lamp included

C1: Packaging with one lamp included

SM: Packaging with four (4) lamps included. Two are the requested pair and the other two are parking lamps (W5W)

S2: Packaging with two (2) lamps included

BW: Packaging with one lamp included

X1: Packaging with one lamp included

X2: Packaging with two (2) lamps included

For every question regarding a Philips product and reference, please feel free to contact us with our contact form